Drum Cafe Australia

Drum Cafe Media


Drum Cafe Carnivale

Drum Cafe Carnivale

The Drum Cafe is proud to announce an increadibly vibrant and energetic new performance option...
Drum Cafe Carnivale!

Drum Cafe Carnivale

A troupe of four to six drummers, two dancers and an acrobat weave their way through your event toward the performance floor while your delegates enter the room.

Drum Cafe Carnivale

Donning bright Carnivale inspired costume, the Brazilian and African dancers and acrobat wow the crowd while the beat of the drums build pace and energy.

Drum Cafe Carnivale

A facilitator then enters the room and encourages the guests to join in by passing a variety of percussion instruments to guests; the room comes to life as the sound of shakers, click sticks, bells and castanets fill the room.

Drum Cafe Carnivale

The Drum Cafe Carnivale is sure to fill any room with vitality; the music sure to get participants moving and shaking!

Drum Cafe Carnivale

The Drum Cafe
Performance Options:

Drum Cafe Carnivale

Drum Mania

African Chillout

Township Band

African Dance

Fire and Light


Stilt Walkers

Afro Moses

Gervais Koffi

Drum Cafe Carnivale


Carnicale Congas




corporate drumming

corporate drumming, the drum cafe, drum cafe Australia, interactive drumming, corporate events, interactive events, corporate team building, opening and closing of conferences, corporate drum, interactive team building, interactive team bonding, corporate team bonding, corporate drum, conferences